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Iron City


Birrificio Iron City Brewing Co.
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Lager
Grado 4,5 %

Iron City has been the ‘Burgh’s signature beer since 1861. This premium lager has become a proud tradition of the city and its people. Just try to imagine a Pittsburgh football, baseball or hockey game without an ice cold Iron. We still brew Iron City fresh daily – but now, instead of delivering it to Pittsburgh neighborhoods in horse-drawn buggies, we deliver it to your favorite hangouts. You can get an Iron at national restaurant chains, upscale eateries, and – of course – your favorite local bar. You can also find it at more than 330 regional beer distributors. Because Iron City is brewed locally, it goes from the brewery to you within a matter of days. You won’t find a fresher beer anywhere in Pittsburgh!

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