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Dale's Pale Ale


Birrificio Oskar Blues Grill and Brew
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Pale Ale
Grado 6,5 %

Dale's Pale Ale is our flagship beer and America's first hand-canned craft beer. It's an assertive but deftly balanced beer (somewhere between an American pale ale and an India Pale Ale) brewed with hefty amounts of European malts and American hops. It features a merengue-like head, a copper color, and a hoppy nose, thanks to a big post-boil addition of Centennial hops. To complement its hoppy first impression, Dale's also sports a rich middle of malts and hops, and a bracing finish. Dale's is 6.5% alcohol by volume, and features 65 International Bittering Units. We think of it as the perfect, everyday beer for hopheads like us. Dale's Pale Ale's rich flavor has helped us make many new fans, and its numerous honors have helped us kick huge holes in the misconceptions regarding cans.

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