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Edgar I.P.A.


Birrificio Bullfrog Brewery
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 8 %

As the story goes, I was redesigning our I.P.A. to be bigger and better but as it came together it started to take on a life of its own. After much deliberation and several pints of our new creation we decided to name him after the master of macabre, Edgar Allen Poe, as a tribute to his aptly named short story "HOP FROG." As Edgar fermented and spewed his almost abusive hop aroma throughout the pub, his legend and our thirst grew until finally one day, he was released into the world. We hope Edgar amuses you as much as he has us but stay on his good side because much like the story, this Hop Frog bites back!

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