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Denver Pale Ale / DPA


Birrificio Great Divide Brewing
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Pale Ale
Grado 5,4 %

Historically Great Divide’s flagship beer, DPA’s record speaks for itself. By continually garnering national and international recognition, DPA has risen to become one of the most award-winning English-style pale ales in the world. Sporting a brilliant copper hue and an assertive floral hop aroma, DPA is known for its smooth, malty middle, which is expertly complemented with hearty and complex hop flavor. DPA’s extraordinary hop finish is marked by crisp yet moderate hop bitterness. Its well-balanced profile makes DPA the perfect beer to accompany a hearty mountain picnic or a night on the town. For those who seek beers characterized by excitement, flavor and distinction, Denver Pale Ale is the natural choice.

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