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Jai Alai IPA


Birrificio Cigar City Brewing
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 7,5 %

Jai Alai IPA is a monster interpretation of an American IPA. In fact, it is so big that it equals the alcohol of some double IPAs on the market. Our IPA uses 6 different hop varietals, with Simcoe hops only being used for dry hopping. The rest of the hop additions are blended at different IBU's (International Bittering Units) in groups of three hops per addition in order to create more hop complexity. At CCB, we love hops but also feel that balance is important for IPAs. So Jai Alai features a sturday caramel malt component which helps to create balance, staving off hop astringency. Ultimately, Jai Alai is a very strong interpretation of a single American IPA. We hope that it makes Tampa Bay natives happy because this is head brewer Wayne Wamble's favorite Cigar City beer and he'd love to share one with you!

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