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Killian's Irish Red


Birrificio Coors Brewing - Golden Brewery
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style Lager
Grado 4,9 %

Killian's Irish Red is a traditional lager with an authentic Irish heritage, based on the Killian family's recipe created for the Killian's brewery in Enniscorthy, Ireland in 1864. Coors acquired the rights to brew and market the product in America and Killian's was introduced to the U.S. in 1981. Killian's Irish Red derives its distinctive red-amber color and taste from a special caramel malt that has been roasted at a high temperature longer and more slowly than most malts. There are no coloring agents or artificial additives used in brewing Killian's. The brew is known for its rich amber color and thick, creamy head.

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