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Pyramid Thunderhead IPA


Birrificio Pyramid Ales Brewery
Nazione United States
Stile American-Style India Pale Ale
Grado 6,6 %

It took only a couple of rounds of India's finest for the 19th century British Colonists to write home, "Either send us some good beer or we're outta here." India Pale Ale is what was sent. Originally made extra hoppy to survive the voyage, it's unique flavor also survived the Colonists finicky tastes and became and instant favorite back home. Pyramid India Pale Ale has the distinctively hoppy flavor and aroma craft beer enthusiasts demand. Abundant helpings of Columbus hops gives this ale an astonishing 67 IBU's - truly a beer for bold tastes! The distinguished Celebrator Beer News aptly named this brew "hophead nectar" (June/July issue, 1998).

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